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It is extremely important to reduce the negative impacts of daily work requirements. In the quest to ensure employees can work safely and productively, Occupational Safety & Health personnel focus on many elements in the workplace. One of these elements is prevention of work-related injuries and one of the emerging themes for prevention is the proactive search for new solutions. Costs of InjuryThe costs of repetitive strain injuries (CTDs Cumulative Trauma Disorders, MSDs Musculoskeletal Disorders, WRULDs Work Related Upper Limb Disorders, etc) in lost time, replacement workers, lower productivity and decreased morale make these injuries a focus for injury prevention strategies. U.S.Bureau of Labor StatisticsIin 2007, the average days lost per injury for two prevalent types of RSI were 3 and 4 times the average time lost for injuries in general. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome averaged 28 days of lost time per injury and Repetitive Motion Injuries averaged 20 days. In 2006, it was estimated the direct and indirect costs of work related RSI's amounted to $61.2 billion. WSIB Ontario - RSI Claims Facts:
These are strong motivators to prevent workplace injury. A Solution For Injury PreventionMany workplace safety and health experts agree that a regular program of stretches and exercises can dramatically reduce the frequency of work related injuries. PRSI Break is a notifcation and stretch program specifically designed to prevent and treat injury. The stretches in the program address the cause of RSI, not only the symptoms. Stretching with PRSI Break is done regularly throughout the day, not in response to a count of repetitive movements. Please visit our section Problem: RSI to read information about Symptoms of RSI, RSI Risk Factors and the Cause of RSI. The PRSI Break DifferenceStretches are not created equal. Our focus is on stretches that work and we know how to design them. Implementing PRSI Break in your workplace is definitely a case of 'Money Spent is Money Saved'. The cost of lost time days and replacement staffing, not including time spent training replacments, averages $12,000 per carpal tunnel injury. PRSI Break costs $60 per person and will prevent the development of carpal tunnel syndrome, neck back and shoulder pain and the other specific and non-specific repetitive strain injuries. For Licensing Information, please This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or Call Us. |