Settings (Screen Shots)


PRSI Break provides options in the following Settings:

  • Video
  • Notification
  • Schedule

These options are detailed in the screen shots below.

Video settings include the type of Playback you watch and what you see on the Playback screen.

Full length - with sound when possible - is recommended when you first start learning the PRSI Break stretches.  A switch to the condensed movies, which contain less narration, can be made after initial usage.

Captioning can be activated all of the time, only when sound is muted or unavailable, or disabled totally.

On this screen you also choose if you want PRSI Break to run at start up.  This is recommended.

The other function button on the Video settings screen enables checking for updates.  As we update the program, we make updates available to users free of charge.

Video Settings

The Notifications screen covers two functions, Play Mode and Notification Sound.

Your Play Mode options are Autoplay Off and Autoplay On.

When Autoplay is Off, PRSI Break will notify you that a routine is scheduled to play and you will need to click Play Now in the notification box to start the routine.

When Autoplay is On, the notification box will appear and the routine will start to play automatically after a period of time you can set.  The default is 30 seconds after the notification box appears.

Snooze is an option when Autoplay is on.  The Snooze setting is just like the snooze on your alarm clock.  You can change the duration of the snooze from the default setting of 2 minutes.

If you choose to have sound accompany the notification box, you can choose one of four sounds we have loaded in the program.

Notification Settings

The Schedule Settings screen has three functions.

Here you choose the type of scheduling you want to use - Weekly or By Playlist.   Details about the components of each can be found on the Schedule (Screen Shots) page.

One of the key factors of prevention is stretching connective tissue throughout the whole body.  If you use the default weekly program and stretch each time you are notified to do so, you will do this.

However, if you customize or skip routines you might not.  If you miss a stretch for 7 days (or during the time period you set for warnings) the text in which the Stretch name is displayed on the Stretches List will turn to red.

On this screen you can also clear scheduling completely if you want to build your own completely and you can also reload the PRSI Break default schedule.

Schedule Settings