Connective Tissue

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Connective Tissue, also known as fascia, forms the structure of the body.

Muscles, blood vessels, nerves, organs are connected and surrounded by connective tissue.

Healthy connective tissue is flexible and elastic.  To stay that way, it needs to move.

If it becomes injured, connective tissue thickens, becomes dense and stops moving.

Scars, which form inside and on the surface of the body, are a form of connective tissue.

Injury Cause and Anatomy provides more information about this process of injury.


Myofascial Tissue

Fascia surrounds all aspects of muscle.

The combination of muscle (myo) and fascia (fascial).  The fascia wraps and intertwines throughout:

• individual muscle fibers
• bundles of fibers
• whole muscles.

Myofascial release is a term that is used by many practitioners.  It's important to recognize that fascial release around nerves and blood vessels is equally as important.

Connective Tissue & RSI Risk Factors

If injury occurs from repeated postural issues, movement, force, etc., the fascia contracts, thickens and becomes less elastic.  When this happens, this tightness affects the whole body.

Tug RadiatesTug on one part of a piece of clothing you're wearing and see how far into the fabric the line of tension created by the tug travels.

This is how it is with connective tissue.  The tightness radiates through other tissue.  This is the explanation for times when you have bumped a hip and your shoulder has started to hurt, too.

If you have had surgery or been wounded, you can see what connective tissue does when you look at your scar tissue.

A scar is an external example of what connective tissue does to protect, bind and repair.

Fascia binds on the inside of the body as well when our bodies are strained or injured.

The symptoms we experience when this happens include stiffness, pain, discomfort and reduced mobility.

Repetitive Strain Injury happens when connective tissue tightens and binds. Once this binding occurs, treatment is required.   Fortunately, regular stretching aimed at releasing tissue tightness is an effective treatment component.  Regular stretching will also prevent development of tissue tightness.

Injury Recovery

Fascia only works one way automatically.  It contracts but does not release.

Releasing fascia requires methods that will "unbind" the fascial tissue.

Regular, effective stretching and movement can release the fascial binding.

PRSI Break use can prevent and relieve the symptoms of tightened connective tissue by helping you stretch your body from head to toe to keep your whole tissue system healthy, fluid and flexible.

Do You Want To Maintain Healthy Connective Tissue?

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